Friday, April 10, 2009

Lime Research re: Polly Lime, wife of James Lime Melanthy

Lime Research:

In a letter written to my grandmother on 24 Aug 1979 from the County Clerk in Kentucky, Louise R. Eddleman:

"I have checked the index to Wills, Deeds, OrderBooks, and Marriages in Washington County. There is only one thing other than the deed you sent. This is a committee report on Polly Lyme - without doubt the same person as Polly (Mary) Lime.

Will Book J, p626: Settlement of John G. Mattingly Committee for Polly Lyme made July 22, 1857. Amount received of Samuel Bickett, former Committee, on March 9, 1855, leaves on hand $930.60.

Order Book G, p239: June 18, 1855. Report from Samuel Bickett, Comm. for Polly Lyme.

Order Book G, p.234: Report by Samuel Bickett, Comm. for Polly Lyme, May? 21, 1855

Order Book G, p397: Aug 17, 1857. Report of settlement with John G. Mattingly, comm. for Polly Lyme.

Order Book G., p405: Same as above, Sept. 28, 1857.

Order Book G. p430: Same, Dec. 1857. No details given in any report.

Above was all I could find indexed in County Clerk's office and took up the time you had allotted me. Since you said "Give it a try if you think of any other source" I went to the Circuit Court Records. A suit was filed August, 1825, apparently right after the marriage, #303. I have copied this, and since it is in very poor condition and difficult to read, I have written it out as I could interpret it from original [see image below]. The ink had soaked through the paper. This told me that Polly Lime was a daughter of Nathan Beall. So I copied his Will of 1802, naming his daughter Polly Beall. Also found the division of his land on Rolling Fork, to thre three sons, but that does not concern Polly who was to get money. However it was definitely in Marion Co on Salt Lick Creek. I believe that her son James Jr. was correct in saying his mother was born in Maryland. I do not know date of Nathan's arrival in Washington County.

There was no decision on the suit included. Polly must have gotter her money as she bought the land and paid $450 cash on Oct. 8, 1827. Since it was her money explains to me why it was in her name, not her husband's or a Committee.

I do not have other Tax Lists here (they are in Frankfort) but James was listed as Lime in the 1815 Tax List. He probably thought to be legally married he must use his full name."

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