Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1850 Census, Lime, Marion County, Kentucky

1850 Census, Marion County, Kentucky

Dwelling: 732 Household id: 732
James Lime, 56, M, Farmer, 400, Ireland, cannot read or write
Mary Lime, 45, F, Kentucky, cannot read or write
Sarah J., 17, F, Kentucky,

1850 Census, Dwelling: 698 HH:695
Peter Peterson, 55, M, Farmer, 3600, Kentucky cannot read or write
Anna Peterson, 52 F, Kentucky
William Peterson 13, M, Kentucky
George W. Lime, 34, M, Maryland, married w/in the year
Cissa E. Lime, 15, F, Kentucky, married w/in the year

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Limes on the 1820 Census

In the 1820 Census there are only six Lime families listed. Three of them, reside in Pennsylvania (two in the county of Lancaster, an Adam & William, and one in the county of Dauphin, Michael). The other three are all unnaturalized citizens and neighbors in Fairfield, South Carolina. What's interesting about these three are that their names are James, James Sr., and William. I've attached the census image for all to see.

James Lime is 45+
his wife is 26-45
male <10>

Of note: There is also a James LYME listed on the 1820 Census. He is the only LYME in the whole 1820 census. He is residing in Warren, Tennessee. He is listed as 26-45 with a wife who is between 16-26 and no children. I don't believe this could be our James as he was married in 1825.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lime Research in Washington County, KY

The Following Records have been searched by the deputy clerk of Washington County, KY for Lime or Melanthy Records:

Documents Found:
1)Affidavit of William Beall
2)Suit Opinion dated 13 Dec 1898
3)List of Articles furnished by Molly Lime & her children in 1844
4) Ministers Return for James Lime Melanthy & Polly Beall

Other records searched:1) Index to Marriages for Lime or Lyme (male & female) 1792-1914 - no record

2) Index to marriages for Melanthy: Book 1, p240 James L. Melanthy m. Polly Beall (Bond) 23 Aug 1825
Book 3, p. 15, James L. Melanthy m Polly Beall (Return) 24 Aug 1825

3) Index to marriages for Melanthy (female) 1792-1914 - no record

4) Index to Wills for Lime 1792-1878:
Book J, p291 Polly Lyme - Committee Settlement 9 Mar 1855
Book J, p 626 PollyLyme - Committe Settlement 22 Jul 1857
Book K, p42 Polly Lyme - Committee Settlement 12 Dec 1857

5) Index to Orders for Lime, Book G 1852-1860:
Polly Lime, Committee - pgs 234, 239, 397, 405, 430, 434:
p234 - Samuel Bickett, Committee for Poly Lyme 21 May 1855
p239 - Samuel Bickett, Committee for Poly Lyme 18 Jun 1855
p397 - John G. Mattingly, Committee for Poly Lyme 17 Aug 1857
p405 - Samuel Bickett, Committee for Poly Lyme 28 Sep 1857
p430 - Samuel Bickett, Committee for Poly Lyme 21 Dec 1857
p434 - Samuel Bickett, Committee for Poly Lyme 18 Jan 1858

No orders Book F 1843-1852
No orders Book H 1861-1869

5) Index to Deeds - Grantor 1853-1882 Bicket & Mattingly, John G. - No records

6) Index to Unrecorded Deeds (Grantor) for Lime, Bickett & Mattingly, John J. - No records

7) Index to Suits 1792-1873:
Packet #303 - Lime & wife vs. Beall Aug 1825
Packet #468 - Lyme & wf. vs. Beall Nov 1836
Packet #326 - Lime vs. Beall Nov. 1826

8) Index to Deeds for Lime 1827-1882 (Grantor) - No record

9) No references for Lime in commissioner deeds.

Deed from Butlers to Polly Lime, 8 Cot. 1827

Deed from Butlers to Polly Lime, 8 Oct. 1827
Washington Co., Kentucky. (Deed book J, page 155)

Marriage Record of Sarah J. Lime

Marriage record of Sarah J. Lime & James Renfro.
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Marriage License of James Lime & Eliza Elder

Marriage license of James Lime & Eliza Jane Elder:
from Perry, Indiana County Clerk's Office in Cannelton, Indiana:

"I cannot photocopy the book, it is too old. The license was issued 5/8/1852 but not returned. There is no completed marriage certificate. The license shows no marriage date."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Army Induction Certificate of James Lime

Shows that in 1862 James Leo Lime was in Derby, Perry, Indiana
Occupation: Farmer
Physical Description : Blue eyes, light hair, 5'9", fair complexion
Nativity: Kentucky
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Baptism Records from Derby & Leopold, Indiana

*1853 William Leim s/o John Thomas Leim & ??
Godfather Thomas Foster, Godmother Maria Foster

1855 John Lime s/o James Lime and ???
Godfather James Steven, Godmother Suzanne Jarboe

1857 James Lime s/o James Lime & Elisa Jane Elder, b ? Sep
Godfather Samuel Elder, Godmother Dorthea Ann Elder

1860 George Lime s/o James Lime & Eliza Jane Elder, b 2 Jan 1860
Godfather Leonard Mitchell & Marie Elder

1863 Sara Jane Lime d/o James Lime & Elizabeth Jane Elder, b Dec 1862
Sponsor: Leonard Mitchell & Helena Mitchell

1865 Marian A. Lime d/o James Lime & ? Elder, b Jun 1865
Sponsors: Thomas Osborn & Ophilia Osborn

1874 Francis Lime of James Lime & Jane Elder, b. Aug 1874
Sponsors: John Stephens & Susanna Stephens

1877 William Arnold Lime s/o Marionis Lime & S____ Stephens, b. Feb 1877
Sponsors John Stephens & Susanna Harper

Friday, April 10, 2009

Martha Ann Carter Lime's widow application (wife of William Lime)

To view the entire Widow's pension application for Martha Ann Carter Lime Click here

It gives: Martha Ann Lime's birthdate, marriage date, death date of her husband, William Lime, etc

Marriage of William Lime and Martha Ann Carter

Marriage Bond that was included as part of Martha Ann Lime's Widow's pension application.


Martha Ann Carter and William Lime in LaRue County, Kentucky

License issued: 5 March 1851.

Marriage Celebrated: 6 Mar 1851.

We also learn from this document that Martha Ann Carter was raised by a Mary Ann Clark who was her foster mother. Martha Ann Carter's parents died when she was a child.

Lime Research re: Polly Lime, wife of James Lime Melanthy

Lime Research:

In a letter written to my grandmother on 24 Aug 1979 from the County Clerk in Kentucky, Louise R. Eddleman:

"I have checked the index to Wills, Deeds, OrderBooks, and Marriages in Washington County. There is only one thing other than the deed you sent. This is a committee report on Polly Lyme - without doubt the same person as Polly (Mary) Lime.

Will Book J, p626: Settlement of John G. Mattingly Committee for Polly Lyme made July 22, 1857. Amount received of Samuel Bickett, former Committee, on March 9, 1855, leaves on hand $930.60.

Order Book G, p239: June 18, 1855. Report from Samuel Bickett, Comm. for Polly Lyme.

Order Book G, p.234: Report by Samuel Bickett, Comm. for Polly Lyme, May? 21, 1855

Order Book G, p397: Aug 17, 1857. Report of settlement with John G. Mattingly, comm. for Polly Lyme.

Order Book G., p405: Same as above, Sept. 28, 1857.

Order Book G. p430: Same, Dec. 1857. No details given in any report.

Above was all I could find indexed in County Clerk's office and took up the time you had allotted me. Since you said "Give it a try if you think of any other source" I went to the Circuit Court Records. A suit was filed August, 1825, apparently right after the marriage, #303. I have copied this, and since it is in very poor condition and difficult to read, I have written it out as I could interpret it from original [see image below]. The ink had soaked through the paper. This told me that Polly Lime was a daughter of Nathan Beall. So I copied his Will of 1802, naming his daughter Polly Beall. Also found the division of his land on Rolling Fork, to thre three sons, but that does not concern Polly who was to get money. However it was definitely in Marion Co on Salt Lick Creek. I believe that her son James Jr. was correct in saying his mother was born in Maryland. I do not know date of Nathan's arrival in Washington County.

There was no decision on the suit included. Polly must have gotter her money as she bought the land and paid $450 cash on Oct. 8, 1827. Since it was her money explains to me why it was in her name, not her husband's or a Committee.

I do not have other Tax Lists here (they are in Frankfort) but James was listed as Lime in the 1815 Tax List. He probably thought to be legally married he must use his full name."

War Documents of William Lime

Discharge Documents of William Lime, son of James Lime Melanthy. He enlisted in the war with Mexico on the 5th of October 1847 and was honorably discharged in July of 1848.

Other information from this document:
birthplace: Marion County, Kentucky
Age: 20, Height: 5'9"
Description: Fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair.
Occupation: Farmer

Veterans of the Mexican War were given land. I believe this is a receipt of that transaction to William Lime. He was admitted 160 acres on August 15, 1848.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Marriage Bond of James Lime Melanthy & Polly Beall

From the Washington County, Kentucky Office of the County Clerk to Bernice Swain, dated September 25, 1979:

"Enclosed please find copy of James Lime Melanthy & Polly Beall's Marriage Bond dated 23 August 1825. . . This was the only marriage record for James Lime Melanthy. I checked under both names, Lime and Melanthy. "
Also from the County Clerk dated 24 Aug 1979: "After learning Polly's maiden name I went back to the Index for marriages, female, and I found it listed in 1825. After some digging around I located the original marriage bond. She married James Lime Melanthy (Melanthy). He could not sign his name, made an x, Bond dated Aug. 23, 1825. Our ministers' returns are not organized or indexed or I might find who married them - get a clue to the denomination. Wm. Booker was Bondsman and he was an official around the courhouse. No other information, no consent, so she was over 21 yrs of age. Now you see why I did not find the name LIME in index! He must have dropped the Melanthy name very soon for later in August, 1825 he filed the suit as LIME, I cannot explain the date of June 7, 1825 - before their marriage, filed as James and Wife Polly Lime."

Biography of James Leo Lime

Click here for a biography of James Leo Lime b. 1830, son of James Lime of Ireland.

Biography also mentions brother, William b1828